Savvy Attorneys Who
Put Your Needs First

Ready To Help After A Severe Injury

For over two decades, the attorneys at Albert Buzzetti & Associates have helped severely injured people and their families get the compensation needed to cover their medical bills, therapies and lost wages. It costs nothing to call us and speak with an attorney about your case. We also offer free consultations. You pay nothing unless we take your case and win.

We are experienced negotiators and trial lawyers. We have successfully represented seriously injured people after car, truck and bus accidents, defective product injuries and fire loss at all levels of the state and federal courts. We have helped accident victims suffering from all types of serious, catastrophic injuries.

How We Can Help You

We have evaluated and handled many serious personal injury claims. When presented with a claim for a legitimate, serious injury, we will use our experience to zealously represent your case. In addition, as New Jersey injury attorneys, we maintain a broad network of legal, financial and medical professionals who can assist us in accurately assessing the full extent of your injuries.

We can help you if you suffered:

In severe injury cases, you need experienced representation to carefully explain your options and protect your rights. Remember, insurance carriers seek only to protect their financial bottom line, not help you. At Albert Buzzetti & Associates, we take all serious injury claims on contingency, so there are no fees, no risk and no obligation until after we secure compensation for you and your family.

Call For A Free Consultation

If you have suffered a catastrophic personal injury in New Jersey or New York as the result of a negligent accident, you have a right to seek the best medical care and the finest legal representation. Call our office or contact us online today to schedule your free initial consultation. Call 201-816-3733 (New Jersey) or 212-564-9009 (New York) and a lawyer will promptly return your message.